Sadly, an estimated five million, or one in 10, seniors nationally are victims of elder abuse, neglect or financial exploitation, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living.
In an effort to prevent elder abuse in Northwest Ohio, Catholic Charities offers Guardianship Services to adults age 55 and older in Huron, Erie, Richland and Ottawa Counties. Our Adult Advocacy programs help protect seniors from abuse and financial exploitation through legal guardianship. Seniors and their families are able to have peace of mind knowing their loved ones and their finances are protected.
If you or a loved one is in need of such services call Laura Walker Adult Advocacy Services Program Coordinator at 419.524.0733, ext. 229 or email her at lwalker@toledodiocese.org.
“Catholic Charities has helped me pay my bills, get my glasses and set up doctor’s appointments,” said Joyce, who was once a victim of an international money scam that financial exploited her for years. Her family contacted Catholic Charities after learning about the scam. Joyce says she enjoys her new life and now lives debt and worry-free.
“If I have a problem, I call my Catholic Charities Guardian. She’s always ready to help,” Joyce said.
To help raise awareness about people like Joyce in our community and throughout the world, we ask for you to join us by wearing purple to show your support for helping our seniors retain their dignity and independence.
We encourage the community to help support our elderly and protect them from abuse. It’s a much needed effort due to their vulnerability.
On Thursday, June 15, Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo invites the community to join the worldwide campaign to wear purple in recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization of the United Nations launched the first World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on June 15, 2006, as a way to unite communities around the world in raising awareness about elder abuse.