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Stories of Hope

Join Our 40 Days for Life Opening Prayer Rally, Thursday, March 6!

TOLEDO, OH—Join our Catholic Charities ecumenical 40 Days for Life Opening Prayer Rally on Thursday, March 6, 2025. We invite you to pray the Rosary at 5:10 p.m. at 1160 W. Sylvania Avenue, Toledo, OH. The Prayer Rally begins at 5:30 p.m. 

Since the International 40 Days for Life Campaign began in 2007, over 1 million volunteers in 1,000 cities in 64 countries have stood in prayerful witness at abortion clinics to witness to the dignity of human life. Through these prayerful campaigns, 25,353 lives have been saved, 268 abortion workers have quit their positions, and 161 abortion facilities have closed!

Come be a peaceful witness to the dignity of every human life, born and unborn, by standing for one hour to pray for the sanctity of human life and to offer hope to women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. Sign up to pray in Toledo. The Spring Campaign begins Wednesday, March 5 and runs through Sunday, April 13.

May our prayer bring the light of Christ Jesus to move the hearts and minds of all present to a deeper appreciation of the dignity of human life. 

For more information, call Kevin Jorrey, Office for Life and Justice Director, at 419.214.4933 or email Join the movement, and help us end abortion in Northwest Ohio!