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Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by Going Green

Together, we are the heart and hands of Christ Jesus in the world!

St. Patrick’s Day, a holiday founded to honor the death of Ireland's patron saint, has evolved into a day of worldwide celebrations related to luck and donning the color green! 

In the spirit of “going green," consider using this holiday as a reminder to focus on the world around us. After all, making sure our environment and the world are protected for the future is anything but luck. It’s going to take involvement from all of us. Check out these ways you can help by going green!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

You’ve been hearing the mantra “reduce, reuse, recycle” for a long time, but now's the time to actually put it into practice. Reduce the amount of plastic you use by investing in reusable containers. Use a refillable water bottle and travel mugs for hot beverages. Bring reusable bags with you to the grocery store.

Make an effort to recycle household items. Recycling doesn’t have to just be about plastic, glass, cans and cardboard—today you can recycle just about any type of materials or waste. Think about how you can reuse or re-purpose items instead of tossing them into the trash! 

Instead of throwing away gently used clothing, boots and shoes you no longer need, donate them to the Helping Hands of St. Louis Clothing Center for redistribution. Household items and small working appliances are appreciated by families in need. Good used furniture donations are accepted by our Furniture Ministry in Sandusky. 

Volunteer for Worthy Causes

Catholic Charities ministries are working toward a greener planet. You can spend your time volunteering for a community clean up with La Posada Family Emergency Shelter residents. Or help prepare and care for the Helping Hands of St. Louis 6th Street Community Garden and La Posada's Community Garden.

Be Good Stewards

Conserve water where you can. Don’t buy more perishable foods than you need at the grocery store. Paperless billing does make a difference! Use technology when you can to receive important updates via email instead of on printed paper. Technology also allows us to cut travel when possible to resolve matters by phone or online instead of getting in a car to drive to a business.


Join organizations helping to spread awareness about protecting our environment. Help distribute facts about the impact of not paying attention to the effects of harmful lifestyle choices on our environment. Consider volunteering at a school to help educate the next generation. 

Now is the time to go green! Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by truly embracing a going green lifestyle. Together, our hands and hearts will help care for God's creation and bring good into the world!