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Helping the Homeless Off the Streets On "Faith Alive"

Learn how this amazing program is helping to get the homeless Off the Streets in the Toledo metro area! 

Ron Finn fills in for "Faith Alive" host Rodney Schuster interviewing Off The Streets-USA Founder and President Deacon Mike Oles, along with Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo's Deacon Ed Irelan and Father Eric Schild, pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Maumee, who operate the Off the Streets Toledo chapter ministries for the homeless.

Colin Miller, Director of the Center for Catholic Social Thought at the Church of the Assumption in St. Paul, Minnesota discusses his new book, "We Are Only Saved Together: Living the Revolutionary Vision of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement."

If you would like to start a program in the Diocese of Toledo, call @Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo's Deacon Ed Irelan at 419.214.4958. For other locations call national founder Deacon Mike Oles at 203.482.1460.

Faith Alive airs Tuesdays at 4 p.m. and Saturdays at 3 p.m. on Annunciation Radio. The program is available online after the broadcastg premiere.