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Spread Love this Valentine’s Day!

Love is in the air! February 14 is Valentine’s Day—a holiday where people across the world tell the people they love just how much they mean to them. You don’t have to be in a relationship to participate in Valentine’s Day. Check out the ideas below to help spread love this Valentine’s Day and throughout the entire month. Show just how much you care!

Call a Loved One 

Reach out and touch someone. Not by text. Not by carrier pigeon. Not by telegram. Pick up the phone and give a friend or loved one a call! Tell them you love them. That’s it, that’s the phone call. You’ll be surprised how much this will mean to your loved ones. 

Give Back to Your Community

Volunteer at Helping Hands Soup Kitchen. Donate to your favorite Catholic Charities ministry. Pick up litter in the park. There are a ton of ways you can give back to your community this month in the name of love! Think of something you’re passionate about and find a way to give back. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and involve the ones you love. After all, life is sweeter shared with those you care about.

Perform Random Acts of Kindness

You don’t need to personally know somebody to spread love this Valentine’s Day! Instead, consider performing random acts of kindness. Do a chore for a neighbor in need. Surprise a person in need with a gift card to get food or clothes. Even surprising somebody with a cup of coffee can completely change the course of their day. 

Give Out Hugs

We are still in the midst of a global pandemic, so this one may only apply to those you’re comfortable hugging! Aside from helping to spread love, studies have shown hugging can help lower stress and release good feelings. What’s not to love about giving a hug?

Listen to a Friend or Coworker

When was the last time you truly stopped to ask how somebody was doing? Often we’re greeted with “How’s it going?” followed by, “Good and you?” We seldom stop to have a conversation about what’s happening in each others lives. 

Ask a follow up question. Then, truly listen. We all have struggles in this life. Offer an ear to actively listen. You’d be surprised at the genuine connections you form from truly stopping to ask how somebody is feeling. 

How will you spread love during the month of February? Use one of these ideas or come up with your own! You never know how much a small act of kindness will mean to a person. Get out there and spread the love!