Oregon Meijer Simply Give Campaign Benefits Helping Hands

OREGON, OH—Meijer's Simply Give! Holiday Campaign runs through Saturday, September 28. Every Simply Give! card you purchase at the Oregon Meijer, 1725 S. Wheeling Street, Oregon, OH, benefits Helping Hands of St. Louis. All donations are converted into Meijer food-only cards Helping Hands of St. Louis can use to buy items for our Choice Food Pantry or our hot meals program.
Mark your calendars for a DOUBLE Match Day on Saturday, August 17, and Saturday, August 14 at the Oregon Meijer, 1725 S. Wheeling Street, Oregon, OH!
On DOUBLE Match Days! Meijer will provide an additional $20 for every $10 Simply Give! contribution you make! Purchases up to $5,000 will be matched by Meijer up to a maximum donation of $10,000 per pantry/campaign.
“Please help us fulfill Meijer's Simply Give mission of helping feed the hungry people who come to us for a meal by purchasing a food donation card during your next shopping trip to the Oregon Mejier,” says Susan Shrewsbery, Director of Helping Hands of St. Louis. “Tell your family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers, because every dollar makes a difference!”
A HUGE thank you to Meijer and all locally who support this program! Meijer began offering Double Match Days in 2012 to highlight our commitment to feeding hungry families in the communities we serve across the Midwest. As a result, the Simply Give program continues to set year-over-year records, generating more than $84 million in food donations throughout the Midwest since its inception in November 2008.
Every penny goes towards food purchases for our Helping Hands of St. Louis Pantry and hot-meal programs, where hundreds of women, children and men are served on any given day.