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Project Rachel

Confidential Post-Abortion Help for Women

"Today I am still healing, I still cry, but I can honestly say I love life ... Abortion not only took my baby's life, but it almost took mine. I am thankful for the Church and Her ministry, for teaching me to love myself, and to live for God." ~ Molly


Project Rachel Post-Abortion Healing Ministries

“I felt I’d committed the unforgivable sin.”

So many women with abortions in their past have said things like this. They may often feel deep shame, regret, loss, or despair.  The good news is that hope and healing is available to all who have suffered from abortion.

Project Rachel is the Catholic Church’s diocesan-based ministry to those suffering in the aftermath of abortion. The nationwide ministry helps mothers, fathers, family members, friends, and people of faith or no faith who seek compassionate, non-judgmental help. Priests, religious, counselors, and laypeople provide a team response of care that can help to heal those wounded by abortion.

Abortion’s impact is extensive and the need for help is great. About 35 million women have lost one or more children to abortion. In addition, a roughly equal number of men have fathered a child who was then aborted. The grandparents of the deceased child or other family members or friends are often involved.

As pro-life people, we should be aware that we will almost always be near those who have been involved in abortion. By listening to the stories of those wounded by abortion and expressing sorrow for their loss, we can witness to their child’s life and affirm their right to grieve. We should take special care to use words of love and mercy, rather than judgment and condemnation. And we should always be ready to mention the help that is available.

Project Rachel Ministry offers help for all who seek God’s mercy, healing and love. If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, please contact our Project Rachel Referral Line at 419-260-5811 or email Project Rachel Coordinator Kerstin Pakka at

To learn more about Project Rachel, please visit or

Project Rachel also offers help for those who supported or participated in an abortion in any way and are suffering as a result. Please contact us. We can help.

Entering Caanan Retreats

Entering Caanan Retreats are offered throughout the year to help anyone who has experienced grief, anxiety, depression or guilt after an abortion to find healing and peace. Separate retreats for women and men are offered to those who have experienced abortions recently or in the past. The retreats include Scripture reflection, prayer and an opportunity to connect with a support system. The cost is $25 and includes lunch. Scholarships are available, and pre-registration is required.


Feel called to serve in this ministry of love and mercy? Please contact Project Rachel Coordinator Kerstin Pakka at 419-260-5811 or

Testimonies of Hope and Healing

This week on "Faith Alive!" Kerstin Pakka, Catholic Charities Project Rachel Coordinator, shares upcoming ministry plans for a retreat this fall. Then Host Rodney Schuster, Executive Director of Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo, discusses a variety of topics with Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, pastor at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church - Indian Land, SC in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston.

Kerstin Pakka, Catholic Charities Project Rachel Coordinator, shares the impact abortion can have on couples and the services offered to assist family members on their healing journey. Kevin J. Fitzpatrick MPS, MSCM, from the Office of Justice and Peace of Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans shares some of his program ministries there.

Does praying in front of an abortion clinic make a difference? Read the story of baby Justice we received from Bob Schoen who prayed in front of the Toledo abortion clinic during our 40 Days for Life campaign.