Host Rodney Schuster, Executive Director of Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo, welcomes Veronica LeGuire, Sidewalk Advocate Coordinator, discussing the 40 Days for Life campaign that starts Wednesday, Sept. 27 + runs through Sunday, Nov. 5.
Dave Litzenberg, Catholic Business Network chair, talks about upcoming CBN events, starting with Bishop Daniel E. Thomas' talk on Thursday, Oct. 5 at Saint John XXIII. Seats are still available. Invite a friend and register online at https://CatholicBusinessNetwork.eventbrite.com.
In the final segment of the program Robert M. Whaples, Hough Family Faculty Fellow and Professor of Economics, Wake Forest University, discusses his latest book, “Is Social Justice Just?”
Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo’s hour-long program airs weekly on Tuesdays at 4 p.m. and Saturdays at 3 p.m. You can listen to "Faith Alive" programs on Annunciation Radio's mobile app or the website https://www.annunciationradio.com/faith-alive
Tune in to Annunciation Radio of Northwest Ohio stations: WNOC 89.7 FM Toledo / Bowling Green, WHRQ 88.1 FM Sandusky / Port Clinton, WFOT 89.5 FM Mansfield / Lexington, WSHB 90.9 FM Willard, and WRRO 89.9 FM in Bryan.